I am Kevin Puscán
+5 years experience building software. About a year leading teams as Tech Lead. Main focus on the product and validation of solutions early. Emphasis on the quality of the code, following good practices, ensuring its quality and scalability.
Full Stack Developer / Tech Lead
Lead the technical team of the relink challenge, contributing from the technical side to the growth stage of the platform.
Remote Support Engineer
Hexagon Mining
Provide operational support to the mining fleet management system and anti-fatigue system.
Application Analyst
Mine Sense For Miners
Provide operational support to the mining fleet management system at MinaJusta - Marcobre.
React Gauges
OwnerProject of Gauges in ReactJs, published in npm
Video Call with webrtc
ContributorContribution to the video call project with webrtc and reactjs by Diego Gurgel.
Todo App
OwnerProject with ReactJs and redux, challenge from FrontendMentor
Shortly URL shortening
OwnerProject of URL shortening, getting url short from API, with ReactJs, styled-compoments, challenge from FrontendMentor
Markers in Map
OwnerProject with ReactJs and leaflet for manage markers in map, challenge of youtube chanel "Hola Mundo"
SPA Covid 19
OwnerProject of Single Page Application with ReactJs, getting data of covid19 from API